Recent article posted on the Bhutan Canada Foundation site.
As I stride on into my next adventure in Scotland, thoughts stray back often to Bhutan. Whenever I see that picture of my house up on the hill, nestled in jungle, light streaming down the valley, I fly back there and hear the chirrups, smell the lush clean high air, hear the voices of the kids from downstairs, the creak of my floorboards, smell the earthy woodness of my home, see the mists rolling up, loitering over the school, drifting towards me. The walk to school is something I will always remember - 10 minutes of disappearing into the forest, birds of prey 20ft above me, water trickling and gulping around me, gravel crunching, then breaking out into a chorus of smiles as I ventured into the school. Such great friends made, such good times had, despite the difficulties that every now and then felt as tho they were besetting me. All growth. Extension. Experience. I hear now of teachers going back, some to teach, some to visit, and I wish I'd managed it before leaving Asia, but at the same time, it's probably not going anywhere.
Now I'm in Scotland, having somewhat landed on my feet in a very good school in the countryside (I've heard it referred to as remote several times... remote it ain't!). Who knows what's coming next. Trips into the mountains, no doubt, and hopefully, visits from friends :-)
Dollar Academy - my new school |
View From My New Home |
That's My Home Up There on the Left |
Up on the left Again... passing in a blur