Sunday, 30 August 2020

To the Democratic Republic of Congo Go I

Here we are again back on the blog I set up for my adventure to Bhutan some years back. This time around it's quite the adventure. I'm off to Lubumbashi in DRC to take up the position of Head of Secondary in a brand new school. It's going to be fluid. Full of unseen challenges and rewards, both professionally and personally. I'm excited about getting back to Africa. When I was motorbiking around Uganda I accidentally went into the no-man's land on the Congolese border. An army man chased me and brought me back, leading to a spectacularly hilarious conversation with a plain-clothes border master who tried to pull the old 'your visa isn't valid' trick as a means to extract dollars from me. I managed to squeak out of that one with my dollars intact, but that's the closest I got. 

Obviously the DRC has a reputation and some of my loved ones have expressed concern about me going. I'm no idiot but I'm also aware of all the cognitive biases that lead us to draw conclusions about faraway places. In my experience most places have people and people are people. That said, I shall take care and be sensible. I'll be looked after; the guys at the school will look after me :-)

I'll be posting here as and when I'm able or inspired so check in if you'd like to know what it's like. And wish me luck xx

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